Contact Marty
Martin Tankleff 90T3844
Great Meadow
Correctional Facility
Box 51
Comstock, NY 12821-0051

Marty Tankleff had just turned 17 when he was arrested for killing his parents, Seymour and Arlene Tankleff, in their home on Long Island, NY. Based on a dubious, unsigned "confession" extracted from him following hours of interrogation by a detective with a questionable background, Marty was convicted and sentenced to 50 years to life, and has already served 16 years in maximum security prisons for a crime he did not commit. Now, based on extraordinary new evidence of Marty's innocence and others' guilt tracked down by a private investigator, Marty's case is pending for appeal. Click here to read more.

Tankleff Tip Line: 718.570.4183

A confidential phone tip line has been set up for anyone with information or evidence that would help uncover the truth in the Marty Tankleff case. All calls will be held strictly confidential, and no person will be required to leave a name or phone number. Marty's private investigator, Jay Salpeter, will review all leads. No information is too minor, as it may form a piece of a larger puzzle.




DA files response to appeals. Click here.

Tankleff defense testifies at hearings by NY State Assembly Committees regarding wrongful conviction legislation. Click here to read.

Watch Online: CBS's "48 Hours" one-hour program on the Marty Tankleff case. Click here.

Marty Merchandise Now Available Online

"Free Marty" and "Marty Didn't Do It" T-Shirts and buttons are now available online. They're great for spreading the word, and all proceeds go to the Marty Tankleff Defense Fund to continue the legal, investigative and advocacy efforts. Click here to view the styles and place an order.

SIC Report

Read the scathing report on Suffolk County law enforcement by the State Investigation Commission (SIC).

Tankleff Appeal Filed with Unprecedented Support

On January 8, 2007, Marty Tankleff's lawyers filed, in the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Marty's appeal of the Suffolk County judge's rulings on his claims of innocence and right to a new trial.

Along with the appeal, over a half dozen amicus, or friend of the court, briefs were filed, including from Barry Scheck and the Innocence Project/Innocence Network, the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL), the New York State Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NYSACDL), four well-known False Confession Exonerees (Peter Reilly, Gary Gauger, Beverly Monroe and Michael Crowe), and dozens of Marty's former classmates.

The most extraordinary of the amicus briefs has to be the one signed by more than two dozen of New York’s most well respected  former prosecutors and U.S. Attorneys. The prosecutors write, "Under the intense public scrutiny that wrongful conviction claims receive, the failure to produce a just result resounds far beyond the confines of a particular case. The role of prosecutors is weakened, and their credibility before juries, judges, and the public is diminished, if a just outcome is not evident where the public most demands it. This is one such case. The defendant in this case, Martin Tankleff, has presented persuasive evidence in support of his motion to vacate his sentence and for a new trial."

For more on the filing, the amicus briefs and the list of former prosecutors supporting Marty's appeal, click here for the Marty Tankleff Blog entry.

To download the briefs, click below:

Appeal Brief Part 1 of 3 

Appeal Brief Part 2 of 3

Appeal Brief Part 3 of 3

Former Prosecutors Brief

Innocence Project Brief

NACDL Brief  

False Confessors Brief

Classmates Brief